Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas everybody.  If you have small children, who believe in Santa, you probably were up all hours last night assembling something and hoping that you weren't missing a necessary piece!  You also were awakened super early by eager children.  Children who don't understand that for adults, we can't get our hearts started without coffee!

We went to Andy's house last night to celebrate Christmas with them.  Stacey made a wonderful meal.  She had turkey, veggies and corn casserole (a family favorite).  I brought pretzel salad and pound cake.  Benjamin was so excited so he squirmed in his chair during dinner.  He could hardly wait to play Santa and give everybody their gifts and more importantly open his!  

Christmas through the eyes of a child is a beautiful thing.  Every gift Benjamin opened, was better than the first!  I made sure to bring the right size and amount of batteries for his toys.  We also bought him a "big boy" sleeping bag.  When he sleeps over, he is still trying to use his toddler sleeping bag, which hasn't fit him for several years.  After all the gifts were open, Benjamin announced that "this was the best Christmas ever."  

I got a new nightgown with super plushy slippers, which I put on immediately.  I have a love affair with slippers, in particular new ones.  I got a Golden Book (remember those) titled:  Everything I Need to Know I Learned From a Little Golden Book.  Best gift was an oil painting that Benjamin did for me.  He used a picture of flowers as his idea, and then through a series of techniques, some of which I wouldn't have thought of, painted me a beautiful picture.  I was touched by the gift, partly because he made it and partly because it's just beautiful.  All it needs now is a frame and a wall, and luckily I still have some free wall space in the house!

After the gifts were open, we had pound cake and then Andy, Benjamin and computer Ken (old family friend) went into the hot tub.  Benjamin got his pajamas on and climbed into his sleeping bag and started watching a movie.  It was quiet time in the house.  We said our good-byes and drove home.

This morning doesn't feel much like Christmas and for some stupid reason, it's actually humid and warm.  Humid enough that we have turned on the air conditioners, in December!  We've never had to do that before.  I don't know if warmer temperatures will be the norm for this winter, or we're just having a fluke warm period.

Our day is wide open.  We might go to the movies.  We might get Chinese food.  We might get in the zippy "z" and drive around and let the wind blow through our hair (mine because Jeff has none).  We might take a nap.  Or, we might not do any of those things!


Image result for picture of christmas morning

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