Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Day After Christmas


Yesterday, was a gray day filled with rain.  Not exactly uplifting to the soul.  This morning, unfortunately the weather appears to be a duplicate of yesterday.  We're even running the a/c to help with the humidity.  This is the strangest December weather for our area.  I suppose it's possible that Mother Nature is warming us up to then dump snow and ice on us for January.

I don't do gloom well.  It brings my mood down in a hurry.  I might have felt better yesterday if I had been able to go somewhere, anywhere.  Instead I felt stuck in the house with a bad and angry attitude.  Other than the movies or out for Chinese food, the stores weren't open, and they shouldn't have been, but it would have been nice to get out of the house to go somewhere.

It appears that the weather today is going to mirror yesterday, but I feel I have options.  I could go to a store and watch first hand while people duke it out for the after Christmas sales.  I don't need anything but getting out would do wonders for me mentally.  And we all know that I need all the help I can get in the mental department.

Yesterday wasn't a complete loss.  I did open and flatten out all the Amazon boxes to get them ready for recycling next week.  I'm going to put my wrapping paper away today.  See, I'm making progress, admittedly slowly.

If it would stop raining, then perhaps Jeff and I could take out the "zippy z" with the top down and let the fresh air blow away any dark/gray clouds that are at the moment residing in my head.  You can't have a negative thought in your head when you're cruising down the highway with the top down!

I'm going to make a real attempt today to stay positive and upbeat.  But this is a real challenge for me when it's gloomy outside.


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