Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas


Thanks to my personal Santa - Amazon - my dining room table is beginning to look like Christmas.  Since I'm not expecting Stacey and/or Benjamin to visit anytime soon, I don't have to hide their gifts, which is a bonus.

As I sit here this morning, and by the way, the sun has come out today, I think I'm done with my shopping.  Of course, something else might pop into my head, but doing a mental inventory, I think I'm good.

My Christmas cards are addressed.  I don't want to send a letter with my cards, partially because I really don't have anything to say.  We didn't vacation at some exotic or faraway place this year.  Or last year for that matter.  I stay home, so there's not much to talk about, unless you want to know how many times I've vacuumed the floors!  Jeff did get a job this year and while I know he doesn't enjoy it very much, the extra money is helpful/useful.  We celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary and I'm about to turn 66.  What else is there to say?

Unfortunately, I don't decorate the house for Christmas any longer. Everything is put away on high shelves in the garage, and I know this sounds terrible, but it seems like too much work to get things down and in three weeks put it all away again.  I know, bah humbug.

You ask what will I do with all of my spare time, since I have become so efficient?   Read, read and read.  Thanks to the larger Kindle that Jeff bought me for our anniversary, I can now make the text really big, which makes it much easier for me to enjoy my lifelong passion.

Today is national hug day.  It is also national green been casserole day, which I won't be making anytime soon.


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