Saturday, December 5, 2015

Holly Run


This morning, Stacey, Benjamin, Jeff and I are "jetting (i.e., flying) to Tangier Island.  Tangier Island is a small island in the Chesapeake Bay and you can only reach it by plane or boat.  Local pilots each bring with them school supplies and/or toys for the school and children as well as holly.  Holly won't grow on the island.  This is a very poor fishing village and anything we bring is always very much appreciated.

The COPA plane, which is much bigger than ours, always brings Santa.  When you land at Tangier Island, the children line up against the fence to watch the planes land.  They are especially excited when Santa arrives.  There is a church service and you can watch the children open up their presents from Santa.  

There is a very good restaurant on the island, and seafood is obviously on the menu.  There are no cars on the island, only bikes or golf carts.  Stacey takes very good pictures and I'm sure she will find lots of things worthy to photograph.  

Before we leave for the island, there is a breakfast and pilot briefing at an airport - and I can't remember the city.  Once the briefing is done, planes start flying off one by one.  Since I'm in a plane, I can't appreciate how thrilling it must be to see the planes taking off in cessation.  

It's chilly this morning, but promises to be a beautiful day.  I have gloves in case I need them and am wearing a sweatshirt jacket.

Jeff has done the Holly Run for several years, but this will be a first for Stacey and Benjamin.  It should be a lovely and heartwarming day for all of us.

Image result for picture of tangier island
Image result for picture of tangier island

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