Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Counting Down to Christmas


People, you only have 9 days left to go into crazy "get everything done" mode.  You know the drill: buy presents (wait, first you have to know what to buy and that alone can make you crazy); once the gifts are bought, you have to wrap them (unfortunately, packing tape on a brown Amazon box doesn't provide the recipient warm fuzzies); buy Christmas/Holiday cards; address those cards; attach postage to those cards (wait - you've run out of stamps - really?); and finally get the cards in the mail.  

Going to a holiday party that requires dressing up?  What to wear is an easy decision for a man.  Pants and a shirt, socks apparently these days are optional.  A woman opens up her closet door(s) and sees nothing.  Truly we do.  But do you really want to spend your time going to the mall at this time of the year?  Are you crazy?  Buying clothes on line is a tricky business.  A size 12 (not that I would know what that looked like) from company "x" may not fit the same as a dress from company "y".  Let's face it - it's hard to be a woman.  And we haven't gotten to thinking about shoes, a purse and a coordinating wrap of some kind.

If you're having dinner at your house on Christmas, you will soon need to be out shopping for the ham, prime rib, turkey and all the fixings.  When you're children come home to eat for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, they expect to find all their favorite dishes on the table.  You open up your recipe box, or in my case, a document on the computer, and start writing down the ingredients you're going to need.  And, of course, you have to make some dishes the day before because there isn't enough time to prep and make and/or bake everything your family wants to eat.

Christmas arrives and if you're spending the day in the delightful company of a young child (and there's nothing better than that), the ripping of wrapping paper and bows (which I never use) begins to flood the floor.  Opened boxes are pushed off to the side, because who needs them now?  

Christmas mornings in our house when the boys were still at home, consisted of bacon (lots) and iced cinnamon rolls (the bang them on the counter to open the tube kind).  I'm not sure what the plan is for Christmas Eve and Christmas this year.  Last year I opted to have dinner at the house, but have decided against doing so again anytime soon!

My problem is that I'm uber organized, so my gifts have been bought, although still waiting on two more items to arrive; and cards have been sent. For the boys and Jeff I can get away with packing taped boxes, because they don't give two hoots for wrapping paper.  Which is one reason that I haven't had to buy more wrapping paper for several years.  I do wrap Benjamin and Stacey's gifts, although I certainly wouldn't consider wrapping one of the areas in which I excel!

Picture one looks very much like my wrapping skills!  Picture two is what I wished they looked like!

Image result for picture of wrapping presents

Image result for picture of wrapping presentsToday is national cupcake day - it would be a shame if I didn't celebrate such a wonderful day!


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