Sunday, January 31, 2016

Happy Birthday


Today, is Andrew's birthday.  He's the youngest and is 36 today.  The older he gets, the older I get, which is the way of life, but doesn't mean you have to like it!

With only eighteen months separating Andrew from Scott, meant that they were literally the "dynamic duo" growing up.  What one didn't think of doing, the other did.  As a mother of sons, you lower your expectations about what really constitutes danger.  

Playing in the mud, adding water to a trash can (clean) and rolling down the driveway, were fun and harmless activities.  When you have sons, their wardrobe, unlike one for girls, consists of jeans (blue) and t-shirts.  Matching?  Not so much.  Clean?  They didn't care.

As the boys grew up, they looked out for each other.  I can remember an Easter egg hunt, where Scott was having a lot of trouble finding any eggs.  Andrew helped his brother out, and the day was a success.  Learning came easy with Andrew, and he was a good student.  Each school year, it took the first quarter for him to get the "lay of the land" (i.e., how to work the teacher) and his grades were always high.  

When it came time for college, Jeff and I thought Andrew would want to go to a large university, where he would be challenged with his classes.  In the end, Andrew went to a small college in Maryland, where he excelled.  He didn't want to be a small fish in a big pond.  He wanted to be the big fish in a small pond, and he was.  He graduated in 4 years with two degrees and Jeff and I were very proud of him.

During high school, the two boys would do some computer work for the school and the occasional neighbor or friend.  Once Andrew was in college, he decided that they should form a company, and they did.  The company is 4A Computing and they have been in business for 18 years!  They took an idea on paper and made it a reality.
Andrew and Scott have different qualities, so as a team they are able to do anything.  Andrew was and is the thinker and Scott is/was the builder.  Andrew is very successful in his career, and neither Jeff or I are surprised.  He's a guy that's going places and we're along to watch him reach new heights in his career.

Andrew is also the father of Benjamin, who is the shiny sprinkles in our life.  Benjamin is no longer the baby or toddler that used to sit on our laps all the time.  He's a big boy now and while he might like to sit on our laps, he's too "bigger"!

We're going out to Andrew's house this afternoon.  We're bringing apple pie and ice cream as our contribution to his birthday lunch.

Happy birthday Andrew.  Dad and I love you lots.


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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bucket List


Have you ever thought about what you would put on your own bucket list?  I hadn't given it much thought, until recently.  I have no idea why I started to think about those things you would like to do or experience in your lifetime.

Of course, there are things on my bucket list, that aren't going to happen, for obvious reasons.  Timing and/or money are generally involved in accomplishing most things.  I've got plenty of time, obviously, but no big lottery winnings to help me travel!

  • I would have liked to see Elvis in person (well that's not going to happen, but perhaps an Elvis impersonator would do)
  • I'd like to see my Dad one more time (again, like Elvis, this is merely a wish, not something that can happen)
  • Travel to Italy.  Murano Island to be exact
  • Return to England and take Jeff with me
  • Vacation in Maui again (this is doable with the right amount of money)
  • Buy a bigger plane (also doable but again $$$ is involved)
  • Write a book.  Okay, I'm sort of doing that, but I'm talking about a book that gets published and makes money
  • Walk on the ocean floor (the deep part of the ocean)
  • Find somewhere beautiful to spread Wendy's ashes 
I know in the big picture this isn't much of a bucket list.  But, in my own defense, I'm not much of an adventurer.  I am reclusive - and before you jump on that band wagon - I know this is bad, it's just who I am.

Besides not having big lottery winnings to make travel possible, I still have that stupid left hip that suffers from "Arthur" and makes walking and standing, two things I don't tolerate well.  Sitting, on the other hand, I excel at!!!

Tomorrow is Andrew's birthday.  He's the baby of the family and will be turning 36.  I know that I get older each year on my birthday, but somehow resist intellectually that the boys are getting older too.


Friday, January 29, 2016

The Curse of Oak Island


The Curse of Oak Island is a television show on the History channel.  There are three seasons, and Jeff and I have watched all of them that are available on the History channel.  You can pay Amazon if you want to see some episodes, that for one reason or another, aren't on regular television.  We've decided that we'll be fine just watching the episodes from the History channel.

If you haven't watched this show, you should probably check it out.  Unlike other reality shows, there is no or very little cursing, no wine being thrown in someone's face and nobody pulling off a woman's wig!  

It's two brothers who have spent millions and years devoted to finding the hidden treasure on the island.  There is the Money Pit, the 10X shaft and the swamp to name just a few places that you'll get to see when you watch.

Every time a diver goes down into the 10X shaft, you can't help but hold your breath.  While I have no money invested in this project, there is still a bit of sitting on the edge of your chair, hoping that this will be the time when something is actually discovered.  You want this, not only for yourself, but also for the two brothers who run the project.

When a diver comes up from 10X or the money pit, with nothing much to show for his effort, it is as disappointing to me, as it is, I imagine for the brothers.  They have found two very old coins, a sword and bits and pieces of wood and coconut fiber.  Their assumption is that the wood is part of a wooden vault buried near the bottom of 10X.  Are they correct?  

As a viewer, you want the brothers to find something big, or famous, or pounds and pounds of gold.  The reality is more likely that none of those things will be found. And even knowing this, I hold my breath every time a "discovery" is made.  

I wish the brothers well and hope that all of the money and time they have spent, doesn't end in frustration and disappointment.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Getting Out of the House


Yesterday afternoon, my daughter-in-law called and asked if she and Benjamin could come to the house for a visit.  Of course, the answer was yes.  She also wanted to go to Five Below (a store with prices I can afford) and Michael's, a store I love but can't always afford!

There were piles of snow in the parking lot and since I tend to "wobble" (which sounds a lot nicer than stagger) a bit when I walk, she let me off in front of the stores.  Benjamin was in his "please, please Mom Mom mode" inside of Five Below.  I told him, very generously I might add, that he could have one thing but he should be sure of what he realllllllllllllllllllly couldn't live without!  He ended up with a jump rope, which in reality will probably be used for many things, but probably not jumping.

Inside Michael's, I had to issue the only one reminder again.  Benjamin has enjoyed Little Critters books for many years.  The author always puts a mouse and a spider on every page.  The illustrations are colorful and sometimes it takes both Benjamin and myself a few seconds to find the mouse and spider.  I bought him a Little Critters Valentine book and when he found something else he liked, I reminded him that I was buying only one thing.  In the end, we left the store with the book and once we were home, snuggled in for a read.

After leaving the stores, I suggested going to McDonald's and buying milkshakes.  Stacey had brought the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs #2 (or some title like that), and I thought that a movie with milkshakes would be perfect.  The movie was fun, the shakes wonderful and the company lovely.  I don't leave the house very often and with piles of snow in parking lots and lanes disappearing on roads, will probably not venture out until next week.  I have to get out on Monday, because I have a dental appointment.  Groan.  

The sun is out today but it's cold so I don't know how much melting is going to occur.  I made an attempt yesterday to get some, but not all, of the snow off of my car.  I know that the car doesn't mind, or even know, that it's covered in snow - but I do - and that's what matters.

Chicken for dinner tonight.  At least I know what I'm cooking, now the question is how.  Bake, fry, barbecue, casserole, etc.  I did some math and figure that over the course of 41 years of marriage, I have made approximately 14,596 dinners!  No wonder I get bored making the same dishes over and over again.

I'm going to go the internet to look for chicken inspiration!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We're Free!


Yesterday, we received our "get out of the house free" card when the snow plow came to our street.  The trouble with a snow plow is that, among other things, it's huge and can't maneuver very well.  The plow did find coming up the street, but our house is at the top of the hill and in the middle of the circle is grass with a large tree in the middle.  The plow driver did his best, but in the end the circle won.  

The driver apologized that he wasn't going to be able to move all the snow from in front of our house, but we understood.  What we need now is a smaller piece of equipment that would be able to get around the circle, but pretty sure that's not happening.

Earlier in the day, Jeff took the Ox out and with chains on, managed to get the truck down the hill, but not without assistance.  Even as big as the truck is, Jeff became stuck and several neighbors came out to help him get started again.  He was able to get the truck back up the street and into the driveway, just before the snow plow came.

Jeff did more shoveling of snow at the bottom of the driveway.  He has worked so hard the last three days, that I worry about his health.  I don't venture out because I'm not very steady on my feet and am physically unable to lift and throw such heavy snow.  So for the sake of marital harmony and good sense on my part (which is sometimes hard to come by!), I have remained inside.  

Jeff went to work today, because if he didn't come in, he would have to take another vacation day or take the day off with no pay.  It's lovely that his supervisor is so understanding about Jeff being able to get to work.  It wasn't for lack of trying on his part, because he gave everything he had to the task of trying to get out of the street.

Once the plow came by, there was nearly a mass exodus of people who had been stuck inside their homes.  People were in their cars and on their way to some place, as soon as they were able.  Perhaps because I stay home all the time, I don't actually get cabin fever.  I may get antsy, but I really have no place I want/need to go.  Plus, I hate getting sand and salt on my car, so if she sits in the driveway, she stays clean.

Jeff says the commute to work this morning was horrific.  A tractor trailer was sideways across several lanes on the interstate. Also, a lot of folks driving and doing stupid things which resulted in accidents.

A smaller plow just came up the street.  He pushed the snow around and because he has to, deposited some snow at the end of the driveway.  The sun isn't out today, but if she would make an appearance, more melting would occur.

For now, safe and warm inside the house.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Feels Like Ground Hog Day!


It appears that today is pretty much going to be a repeat of yesterday, and the day before.  Deep snow on the ground, and not able to get out.  Jeff tried gallantly yesterday to get the Ox out of the driveway and into the street.  He made it several feet into the street and then the truck high centered and he had to dig out underneath the truck.  This took a lot of time and caused his already aching muscles to rebel against more exercise.

One possibility is if he puts chains on the truck (no easy task), then he should be able to make it down the hill.  If Jeff can get up and down the street, then the neighbors who only have cars, would be able to get out of the neighborhood.  We have the only big truck on the street, but there is a neighbor at the end of the street, who has a regular sized pick-up.  If the Ox can't get down the street, then nobody can.  I just looked outside and Jeff is putting chains on the front of the truck.  Keeping my fingers crossed that he is successful today, because I know that he doesn't want to take another "vacation" day tomorrow.

His supervisor told him that if he didn't come in to work today, he would have to take it as vacation.  Seriously?  Nobody has tried harder to get dug out, but apparently trying isn't good enough for his supervisor.  I guess charity begins at home, but not at work.

What Jeff doesn't want to happen is for him to get the truck out into the street and then get stuck.  As I write this, Jeff is outside and is trying once again to move the truck.  The snow he needs to get through is probably 18-24 inches deep.  If he can get the truck moving forward, then he should be able to get to the bottom of the street.  But before he can go forward, he has to be able to back out into the street, without getting stuck, which he couldn't do yesterday.

I worry for Jeff.  The strain of shoveling for days is hard on a body, and when he comes inside, he's exhausted and his body hurts.  It's warmer today, but probably not warm enough to cause much melting to occur.  



Monday, January 25, 2016

Another Day and More Shoveling


For the third day in a row, Jeff has been out, and will continue to go out, to shovel the driveway and get the snow off of the cars.  His thought is to roll back the cover on the Ox and fill the bed up with shoveled snow.  If he does that, he'll have somewhere to put the snow and it will add weight to the back of the truck.

The snowplow hasn't been around in the neighborhood yet, but when it comes up our street, we know from experience, that the plow will dump a lot of snow at the bottom of the driveway.  Can't really fault the driver.  After all, he has to put the snow someplace.

Jeff made gumbo yesterday and he made it a bit on the spicy side.  It was delicious and will make for a good lunch/dinner again today. Jeff really likes soup and could eat it every day.  Me, on the other hand, if given an option, would never opt for soup.  

Jeff is working remote today and perhaps will do so tomorrow.  Even with the Ox, getting out of the neighborhood and onto a paved main road, would be a challenge.  A challenge not worth taking.

I am at home so much now, that cabin fever doesn't really set in for me.  Would I like to be able to get in my car and go somewhere?  Sure I would, but I don't feel the itch and/or need to do so.  I have books to read, coloring books (they make a wide range of these books for adults now), knitting, or television watching. And, of course, there's always time for a nap on days like this!

I worry more about Jeff wearing himself out while he's shoveling.  Shoveling is hard work, so I'm glad that he takes breaks in between his "shifts" outside.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowing Stopped


It stopped snowing here yesterday, and this morning the sun is out and the sky is a particularly beautiful blue.  Jeff went out several times yesterday to do some shoveling, but takes breaks because it's hard work moving that much snow.

He did manage to make a pee/poop path for the dogs.  This is important, because they have to go somewhere!  Jeff has already been out this morning and right now is resting in front of the fire, with coffee and a warm cinnamon bun in hand.  Gumbo is on the menu for tonight.

The snow is quite deep and even with the Ox, which has a high clearance and 4 wheel drive, it likely would be tough going to get down the street and onto the highway.  Unlike some folks, Jeff has nothing he needs to prove, so we're staying put in the house.  

I know that some people who are "locked" (for lack of a better word) in their house, get a bad case of cabin fever.  Us?  Not so much.  Jeff enjoys going to COPA's website (a pilot thing) to see what's going on in the rest of the country.  For me,  I enjoy doing on-line coloring and can burn up some serious time coloring.  And then there's always books to read as well as cheesy television.

Pretty sure Jeff isn't going to try and go to work tomorrow.  We live at the top of a hill and don't expect to be plowed today.  I think he's going to work remote tomorrow.  Computer folks can work successfully at home.  For other professions, remote isn't an option.  As a secretary, remote wasn't possible.  If the company didn't close for weather, you took the day as a vacation day or without pay.  I don't miss those days of uncertainty.  

This is also good weather for napping.  The dogs really love when either myself and/or Jeff head to the bedroom mid-day for a nap.  They are very good sleepers!

Stay warm and safe.

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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Second Day of Snow


It started snowing yesterday afternoon.  Slowly at first, but picking up quickly in intensity.  After work, Jeff drove to Scott's house to help him get his generator hooked up.  Scott has lost power before in storms, and wanted to be prepared for this one, just in case.

I made beef stew yesterday afternoon, and it was pretty good, although I actually think that Jeff does a better job in making soups and stews.  The dogs and I spent the afternoon lazying around.  They slept and I watched cheesy television shows (my favorites).

Since Jeff got up super early yesterday morning, so that he could leave work early, he was tired and went to bed long before I did.  After I take my nighttime medicine, I do get tired, but I put off going to bed.  I have convinced myself that if I go to bed, I won't be able to go to sleep.  This is a myth, because I'm asleep long before my brain can engage in high energy worrying.

When we got up this morning, our street had been turned into a white wonderland.  As I write this, it's still snowing and we're supposed to have high winds later.  Jeff shoveled part of the driveway and took the dogs out to do their business, because the outside of the doggy door is snowed in!  So at my house, please avoid yellow snow!

Jeff has come back in the house and since I don't hear any noise from the den, I assume that he's taking a rest in the recliner.  I could/should clean up the kitchen, but I'd rather have Jeff sleep, and there's always time later for doing the dishes.

I have a tendency to not always been stable on my feet, so I'm not going to bother with going outside.  I think snow is lovely to look at, I just don't want to actually be in it.

As a treat, I cooked cinnamon rolls, and fresh and warm from the oven - heaven.  The fireplace is on.  What a beautiful thing when you push a button and you get fire.  And if you have the fireplace on for several hours, the den gets really warm and you find yourself turning off the fire!

I hope you're warm and toasty if you are back here in the East dealing with snow.  And, if you live in California, you're probably enjoying sunshine.


Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow's A Coming!


It seems pretty sure now that we're going to get "foots" of snow today and tomorrow, with blizzard conditions on Saturday.  Jeff and I are set as far as food goes, and Jenny is primed and ready should we need her.

We have a neighbor that winters in Florida, so this morning I moved Jeff's new car over into his driveway.  My car and the Ox will be in our driveway, which will result in less shoveling.  I have called Auntie Kim to offer the use of the neighbor's driveway to use for one or more of her cars.  

Since we now have a gas fireplace, there is no need for kindling and bringing in wood.  I agree with Jeff that a gas fireplace doesn't have the same ambiance that a real fireplace has, but the ease of starting a fire, just can't be beat.

I'm making beef stew this afternoon and probably muffins of some kind or another.  I'm assuming that the grocery stores will be busy today with people getting the essentials needed to weather out a huge storm.  

There is going to be some wind with this storm, so I hope that none of our Cypress trees in the backyard topple over!  They are quite old, very tall and shallow rooted.  Fingers crossed.

Jeff learned early on that it's better to shovel periodically, rather than let the snow build up for hours and hours.  Shoveling is hard work, and I'm not particularly useful.  When the boys were home, they helped Jeff shovel, so it wasn't such a daunting task as it will be today/tomorrow.

I have already assured Auntie Kim that if the neighborhood loses power, she and her family are certainly welcome to come here.  We could call it the Bassett Motel!  By the end of the storm, our house could look something like this:

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snow and Other Stuff


It snowed a bit last night.  A dusting actually, but snow all the same.  They are calling for a blizzard for Saturday.  It'll be the kind of weather where you probably shouldn't be on the road, unless you absolutely have to. And no, running to the store to buy alcohol doesn't constitute an emergency, as far as I am concerned.  You may feel differently.

The forecast is for "foots" not inches of snow.  To those of us who have good sense, this means that you should get your extra car out of the street and onto your driveway.  If cars are parked on the street, then snow plows can't adequately do their job.

We live at the top of a hill on a cul-de-sac.  This means that as the snow plow comes around the top of the street, he has nowhere to put the snow except in front of your driveway.  This can be hugely irritating if you have already plowed out your driveway, and then find snow piled up at the bottom.  This has happened to us more than once.  

Jeff drove the Ox to work today and if he goes into work tomorrow, he'll definitely use the Ox.  Years ago, a different truck and two teenage boys, wanted to see what the roads were like outside of the neighborhood.  Well long story short: the truck high centered (it was not as big a truck as the Ox) in the middle of our street.  They had to come up and get Jeff to help them dig out under the truck, so that they could get the truck turned around and back home.  End of adventure.  It was one of those things like - done that - hated it moments.

We are supposed to have high winds which may cause havoc to our Leland Cypress trees in the backyard.  They are very tall and shallow rooted, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed.  And Jeff will have to shovel a path in the backyard for Sam, who may or may not, use it.  He'll also shovel the snow that will build up at the doggy door.  Maggie is big and heavy so a lot of snow isn't a problem for her.  But old Sam is another matter entirely.  First, he's small, old and white and he can't maneuver very well in deep snow.  I do have a sweater for him somewhere, but since I know he'll only venture out just long enough to make yellow snow, there's no reason to wear myself out trying to get it on him.

Since Jenny has a test run every Saturday, we know that she's ready and up to the task of providing us with electricity should the power go out.  Jeff has told me, in case I'm home alone and the power goes out, to remain sitting.  It takes a minute or two for Jenny to come on, and since I'm not too steady on my feet, better to just be patient and sit.  Since our installation of Jenny, we've never actually had to use her for more than a few minutes during a brief outage.  This weekend could be Jenny's finest moment, as we sit inside our house with all of our appliances working as well as the television as well as everything else electric. 

I finally put the duvet back inside it's cover yesterday.  I saw on the internet how to do so with relative ease.  I was skeptical but it actually worked!  You turn the duvet cover inside out and put the zipper or button end at the top of your bed.  You put the duvet on top of the cover and turn down an inch or so of the cover and put the duvet inside.  Then you simply turn (and it's easier with two people) the cover over and over like a sausage and when you get to the end you have the duvet inside.  It solved my problem of years struggling to try and get the duvet inside the cover neatly and probably more important, easily.  

Stay warm and safe wherever you are.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016



Yesterday, Benjamin and Stacey came to the house to interview Jeff and me.  As a history project, Benjamin was to ask us questions about our families, things that were popular when we were young, our friends, etc.

Stacey filmed the interviews and Benjamin had really good questions for both of us.  I also got out all the photo albums and shared pictures of Andy and Scott, our grandparents, parents, relatives and friends.

Benjamin really likes to see pictures of his dad as a young boy.  He also likes hearing about the shenanigans that his dad and Scott pulled during their childhood.  And, just for the record, they pulled plenty!

I had made a photo album for Benjamin on his first birthday and filled it with pictures of messy cake eating (he liked that picture), going to the beach and playing in the water.  I gave Benjamin the album to take home.  I have those memories stored up in my memory bank.  I thought he would enjoy having pictures of himself as a baby/toddler.  

I don't take a lot of pictures, but thankfully Auntie Kim knows her way around a camera, and she is to be thanked for the majority of pictures taken of Benjamin.

I think Benjamin also enjoyed seeing pictures of me as a child.  When you're a child, it's hard to imagine an older person ever being as young as you.  But we all were once a child.

Gearing up for snow.  If it snows on Friday, and it's supposed to, there is a possibility that Jeff will be allowed to work remote.  Anytime you don't have to drive in snow or ice, is a good thing.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's Cold Outside


Yesterday, Jeff and I took the new car out to get the "trifecta" of necessary items to have on hand if, as predicted, snow does show up on Friday.  The trifecta, at least for us, consists of: eggs, milk, butter and/or toilet paper.  

We started our journey out with the top down on the car.  The headrests in the car blow warm air on your neck, which is really pleasant.  We were bundled up, but after a few miles, we decided that it would be better if we put the top up.  Looking "cool" while driving in a convertible is different than looking "cold".

We went to Costco to buy the necessary items they carried and we needed.  On to WalMart, which though it was a weekday, and snow has been predicted, wasn't completely crowded.  There was a bit of a wait at the cashier, but that tends to be the norm.  

We bought some veggies for stew or soup making and fudge bars for my sweet tooth.  We also bought a Tombstone pizza with jalapeno peppers.  Can't wait to try that.  Jeff has a particular cracker that he eats, so we always buy them when they are available.  I'm stocked up on popcorn and cocoa mix (with marshmallows).  

Since our car fleet is now all back together, if we park my car and the new car on one side of the driveway, and the Ox on the other - there will be very little driveway to shovel.  It is supposed to snow on Friday and as a contractor, if Jeff doesn't work, he doesn't get paid.  I'm sure he'll be taking the Ox on Friday, just in case.

I was supposed to see the dentist on Friday, but have already canceled the appointment.  Apparently, I wasn't the only patient who had called to reschedule.  If you don't need to be out and about during a snow storm, then I see no good reason to leave home.  

I'm off to get my head "shrunk" today and because it's super cold, I'll be outside as little as possible.  The heat is on and old Sam has found a floor vent that he sleeps on.  I think I will attempt to put the duvet back in it's cover today.  I say attempt, because it's a real chore to do, especially by yourself.

I hope it's warm where you are, and if it isn't, that at least you're inside.


Monday, January 18, 2016



It snowed here yesterday.  It didn't snow a lot and there was no accumulation.  Snow is predicted for Friday and Saturday and so far the weathermen say there will be inches (thankfully not feet) of snow.  

When snow is predicted, I have to fight down the panic that rises inside me.  I can't even explain what I'm panicked about.  When the boys were young, the panic was were the schools going to be closed, or delayed?  Later, it was would the office be closed for the day, have a delayed opening or the option of using a vacation day.

When I was working and the weather was bad, Jeff would drive me back and forth to work.  I don't drive in bad weather if I can avoid it.  And believe me, I avoid it as much as possible.  This is good for me as well as other drivers.

While the snow fell quietly yesterday, and I was sitting in front of the fireplace, I should have felt at peace.  But, that was not the case.  I walked from window to window.  Was I really thinking or hoping that the view would change from the front of the house to the back of the house?

Yesterday, I had no where to be, and aside from laundry, had nothing much that needed to be done.  And yet, even knowing that everything was right in my world, I was restless and on edge.  

Just knowing that there is going to be or perhaps might be, snow on Friday, will cause me to cancel my dentist appointment.  Since I really hate going to the dentist, I see no reason to go out in possibly bad weather to have some cavities filled.  Of course, I know that I am always looking for any excuse not to go to the dentist!

Jeff and perhaps I will go to the store today, along with all of the other "the sky is falling" shoppers.  Do we need much?  Milk and eggs for sure, because those two items, along with toilet paper, are always on everyone's list of snow necessities.  Once in the store, we'll obviously buy other things, but not because we actually need anything.  Just following the rest of the people, who, unlike us, don't have a pantry and chest freezer full of food.  It's panic shopping and happens to the best of us.

If things get really dicey at the end of this week, and we do get an accumulation of snow, we have no fear.  Why?  Because the Ox is home and running better than ever.  The Ox which sits high enough that there would have to be a lot of snow for her/him to get bogged down.  Plus, the Ox is four wheel drive, which is mighty helpful if you need a little extra help maneuvering down the road.

When I look back at what I've just typed, I have no earthly idea why I feel panic at even the suggestion of snow.  Guess that's just who I am.


Sunday, January 17, 2016



It's really gray outside, so I'm writing with my SAD light on, because I need all the "sunshine" real or man-made I can get.

The weatherman say it may snow today, but if it does, won't amount to much of an accumulation.  They are also predicting snow on Friday and Saturday, with accumulation.  I'm really glad that the Ox (truck) is back from the shop, as the truck is the vehicle you want to be driving when it snows.  Of, as I prefer, don't bother to drive at all.  Nobody, and I really mean nobody, wants me driving in bad weather.

My car is heavy and can certainly get around in snow, but why go out if you don't have to.  I know what my car will do, but the unknown factor is what other drivers and their cars can/will do.  Our neighbor is away for the winter, so the Ox and the Zippy Z are sitting in his driveway.  To avoid shoveling, we could put them both in our driveway.  What you certainly don't want to do, but folks do it anyway, is to park your car on the street when it's snowed.  The plows can't adequately plow the street if there are cars parked.

Since we live at the top of the hill, when the plow comes around the circle, our house is one of those that gets snow dumped at the end of our driveway.  If it snows while Jeff is at work, the snow will just have to sit until he comes home.  The first lab we owned, was so well trained, that even in deep snow, she was always able to find the paper and bring it inside.  It is doubtful that our present lab, would have a clue what she was looking for!

Jeff made chicken soup yesterday and it is excellent, though he insists on adding 'shrooms', which I don't like.  Perhaps I'll make muffins to go with the soup for our dinner.

Once snow is predicted, people go into panic mode when it comes to buying groceries.  Jeff and I keep more food in our pantry and big chest freezer, than most if not all people do.  There is always something to eat.  For us the most basic of essentials is toilet paper, milk, eggs, butter and bagels.  Sometimes I empty out the pantry and find "buried treasure" in the back of a shelf.

I hope you're one of the people who have tomorrow off.  Everybody loves a three day weekend.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Drone in the Neighborhood


We live in a relatively quiet neighborhood.  When we moved into our house in 1986, the neighborhood was brand new, and there were children in almost all of the homes.  Fast forward 29 years or so, and the neighborhoods have changed.  On our street, there are only three or four homes that still have children at home.  And, some of those children are now high school or college aged.

What is interrupting my peace this morning.  The constant drone of what I presume is a pressure washer.  I assume this because it's way too early for lawn mowing!  Why this noise irritates me is because it just goes on and on.  

It being Saturday (see I have my days back on track), our generator AKA "Jenny" will start her weekly 15 minute run today.  So yes, we do make noise too, but 15 minutes isn't very long in the big picture.  When it's spring and summer time, I'll hear every leaf blower and mower practically every day.  Wouldn't it be wonderful, if a dead end street, such as ours, could have ONE lawn mowing company who would take care of ALL the houses ALL at once?  Ah, would/could that be true.

I am very aware of when the dogs go outside.  They're dogs, so some barking is to be expected.  If it goes on too long, then either have to (a) come back inside; or (b) bring me the body!  Sam, is 15 and has always been a bit yappy and gets lonely when we aren't home.  Luckily for us, I'm home 99% of the time and Sam seems content to spend his days sleeping on a floor vent, pillows or blankets.  And when the neighbor's dog comes out in the backyard and "wolfs" as a signal to Sam and Maggie, more and more Sam doesn't even respond.  I know his eyesight is poor and perhaps so is his hearing.

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Maryland.  Temperatures are supposed to drop in a day or two, which will make it feel more like winter.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Missing a Day


Yesterday, as far as I was concerned was Friday.  I even took my morning pills from the Friday box.  How did I miss Thursday so completely?  I went to look at the shows that were to record on "Friday" and was discouraged to see that, in my baffled mind, none of my Thursday evening shows didn't record.  I am very good with operating my Tivo remote, so I couldn't understand how I had managed to miss recording my shows.

Because it was Friday, in my mind, I didn't even fix dinner.  Why?  Because I knew that Jeff wouldn't need anything for lunch, since he doesn't work on weekends.  How did I miss the date on my computer, which displays date and time in the right hand corner?  

After Jeff got home last night, I complained that none of my Thursday night shows had recorded.  That's when he told me that it was Thursday, and that my shows weren't set to record until 8:00 and later.  

Even after Jeff again repeated that it was Thursday, my mind was still in a muddle.  It bothered me greatly, and probably shouldn't have, that I had actually "missed" a day.  I could I suppose give myself a pass since I'm retired and don't rely on a calendar much anymore.  But, on the other hand, after Jeff explained that it was Thursday, I felt an unreasonable fear (at least I think it's unreasonable) that my memory wasn't working on all cylinders.  We've already established that since 2013, my brain doesn't work as well as it once did, and probably never will.  

I watch Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire as well as Family Feud.  Many times I know the answer to the question, but I can't seem to retrieve it.  This is very frustrating, and while I'm far from being stupid, I do feel sad that I can't recall things that I know I know.  

I play all sorts of brain type games.  I'm appreciative of my sister-in-law who plays Words with Friends with me.  She's such a good player and my scores are always really low compared to hers.  I want to be better mentally, at least as far as my memory goes, but I think I've come about as far in that category as I'm able.  


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...